《4 X 100水著份子》,主角因不懂游水而遭拋棄,奮而學游水,當中加插不少鬥氣、追女仔、比賽等橋段,走的顯然是年青人路線,是套用來打發時間的青春電影。導演:鄒凱光主演:黃秋生/森美/小儀/吳佩慈/黃偉文昂藏六尺的魚仔因天生忌水而遭女友拋棄,於是習泳以雪前恥。可惜習泳學友全是古靈精怪,還有個只向錢看的馬虎教練,叫魚仔洩氣不已,幸好最後出現標緻玲瓏的美少女,才叫魚仔鎖定習泳好處良多的目標。習泳最後變成對壘,因來了另一威猛欲恃勢凌人的泳隊。魚仔與同班三人誓師還我尊嚴,在水中飛躍彩虹。
Fatures eight members of BNK48 --- Noey, Kaew, Mobile, Namneung, Kaimook, Namsai, Tarwaan and Pupe. In the movie, the girls are working on a secret special project. They have to stay in Isaan for a while. The girls have a hard time adjusting themselves into a new environment and its unfamiliar local food. They have to work on a song which combines pop and Isaan music.