- 名侦探柯南
- 备注:更新至1204集
- 工藤新一是全国著名的高中生侦探,在一次追查黑衣人犯罪团伙时不幸被团伙成员发现,击晕后喂了神奇的药水,工藤新一变回了小孩!新一找到了经常帮助他的阿笠博士,博士为他度身打造不少间谍武器。为了防止犯罪团伙对他进行报复,新一决定隐姓埋名,暗中追查他们,希望能得到解药。一日,新一 的女友毛利兰来到了阿笠博士的家寻找男友的下落,被小兰撞见的新一情急之下编造了自己名叫江户川柯南,随后柯南寄居在了小兰家。小兰的..
- 独步逍遥
- 备注:全480集
- 宇宙浩瀚,产生无数的类型的生命体,这些生命体,形成万族万灵。万族万灵尽管种族不同,信仰不同,但一样的就是奢望得道。 任何一个生灵都是道心蒙尘,他们不甘如此,以修行来悟道而变得强大,甚至永生。天地大道如同气运,有能者居之。大道之路,就是争道之路,这就造成了万族万灵的相争。 一个时代,只能支撑少数一些人得道。得道者,以为站在了世间之巅,以后可以恣意逍遥。但却发现,即使得道。同样难逃厄运,在他们之上有..
- 同学来了
- 备注:更新至20241225期
- 由中天电视台节目部自制,于2020年9月17日首录,于2020年10月12日晚间9点播出。该节目专为各种同学族群量身订做,每集邀请12位来自不同学籍的同学、不同学系的学生上来讨论各种主题,主持人包括阿Ken、纳豆、安心亚。
- 武神主宰
- 备注:更新至506集
- 主角秦尘本是武域中最顶尖的天才强者,却遭歹人暗算,陨落大陆禁地死亡峡谷。必死无疑的秦尘,却意外触发神秘古剑的力量…… 三百年后,天武大陆偏僻之地,一位同名少年意外继承了秦尘的意志。作为大齐国军神定武王的爱孙,却因生父来历成迷,母子二人在定武王府中受尽冷遇,相依为命。 为了重写望日的强者神话,也为了守护自己所爱的一切,秦尘毅然决然扛起维护天下五国的大任,再度踏上武道之路。
- 工藤新一是全国著名的高中生侦探,在一次追查黑衣人犯罪团伙时不幸被团伙成员发现,击晕后喂了神奇的药水,工藤新一变回了小孩!新一找到了经常帮助他的阿笠博士,博士为他度身打造不少间谍武器。为了防止犯罪团伙对他进行报复,新一决定隐姓埋名,暗中追查他们,希望能得到解药。一日,新一 的女友毛利兰来到了阿笠博士的家寻找男友的下落,被小兰撞见的新一情急之下编造了自己名叫江户川柯南,随后柯南寄居在了小兰家。小兰的..
[动漫] 独步逍遥
[综艺] 同学来了
[动漫] 武神主宰
[动漫] 通灵王2021
[综艺] 娱乐百分百
[综艺] 小明星大跟班
[综艺] 你好星期六
[大陆剧] 重燃2024
[港台剧] 阿荣与阿玉
- 剧情片
- 分类:剧情片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- 将司(阿部宽 饰)是一个来自日本的黑社会头目,在一次与泰国黑帮的交易冲突中,对方容貌妖艳、身手矫捷的女子成员阿欣(Ammara Siripong 饰)引起了他的注意。在此之后,两人开始交往,然而日本和泰国的帮派冲突却逐渐升级。最终,阿欣为了救心上人而背叛了自己的老大。将司迫于无奈逃回日本,阿欣则留在泰国,独自生下女儿阿珊。阿珊从小患有自闭症,但她却有着非凡的能力,她能迅速记下并掌握复杂的格斗动作。数年过后,成年的阿珊(杰佳·亚宁 JeeJa Yanin 饰)俨然成长为一个出色的格斗高手。 另一方面,阿欣当年被老大刺伤,如今又患上癌症,生活无法自理。倔强的阿珊决定向泰国帮讨还属于母亲的钱,而她注定要面对无数危险……
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- 剧情片
- 分类:剧情片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- Synopsis Do-seong (Yoo Min) is a child monk who lives at a small mountain temple with the head monk (Byeon Ki-jong), learning the teachings of Buddha. He becomes attached to a young widow (Choi Eun-hee) who comes to pray at the temple, and the childless widow entreats the head monk to let her raise Do-seong as her own son. Conflict ensues when Do-seong's real mother (Kim Seon-young) appears, but she leaves the temple for the sake of her son's future. On the day the widow is to take the child down from the mountain, the head monk discovers that Do-seong has killed a bird by ensnaringit in a trap and decides not to let the boy go into the secular world. When Do-seong finds out that his real mother has been to the temple, he sets out to find her. Notes A film that has garnered recognition for its cinematography and direction by eliminating sentimentality and unaffectedly capturing the quiet life of a mountain temple. A Hometown in Heart demonstrates the camera technique and directorial skill of movies that appeared after the liberation of Korea. A Hometown in Heart, adapted from playwright Ham Se-deok's A Little Monk (Dong-seung), was hailed upon its release as a masterpiece that marked a new pinnacle in Korean moviemaking after the liberation. Eschewing new-school sentimentality to quietly express a boy's longing for maternal love, the film unfolds the everyday lives of three generationsthe head monk, a young monk, and a little child monkagainst the backdrop of a quiet temple in the mountains. The long shots utilized by director of cinematography Han Hyung-mo to capture the beautiful scenery of the mountain temple from a distance received great critical acclaim at the time. Also, each of the film's characters is convincingly portrayed through the skillful direction of Yoon Yong-kyu. In particular, the scene which expresses Do-seong's desperate yearning for a mother's love and his birth mother's past visit to the temple by combining them into a dream sequence reveals deep consideration for articulating story and emotion via a compressed visual grammar without tending toward sentimentalism. The movie's final scene, in which Do-seong awakens from his dream and sets off down the path in search of his mother, is both touching and beautiful. The film also features Choi Eun-hee, in the part of the young widow who warmly embraces Do-seong with her love, in one of her first roles. Afterword - Lee Kang-su, writing under the pseudonym of Kwak Il-byeong, first adapted playwright Ham Se-deok's A Little Monk (Dong-seung) into a screenplay, which was then shot for the silver screen with additional embellishments by the director.
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- 剧情片
- 分类:剧情片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.
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- 喜剧片
- 分类:喜剧片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- 电影是在地球最大危机中,外星人研究同好会成员们迎接人生最大危机的喜剧片。地球遭到外星人的攻击后,在youtube成为话题的外星人博士在地下掩体内聚集了生存者们的故事。
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- 动作片
- 分类:动作片状态:HD更新:2024-12-08
- 距今五、六百年前的泰国,时局动荡,阴阳逆反邪恶阴险的军官Rajasena发动叛乱,夺取政权,为此展开大规模的血腥屠杀。少年泰恩出身于一个正直的武将家庭,他的父母双亲皆被叛军杀害。泰恩侥幸逃脱,然而才出龙潭,又入虎穴,他被迫与凶猛的鳄鱼同处一池。泰恩面对鳄鱼时的果敢引起夫毕克匪帮的头目车南的注意,车南将少年留在部落里,延请各路流派的好手教习泰恩格斗技巧。经过多年的磨练,泰恩终于成长为身怀绝技的高手,并接任车南晋升为匪帮的新任首领。虽然数年过去,但他始终没有忘记Rajasena加诸在其家族身上的厄运,他开始走上一条充满血腥和艰险的复仇之路……
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- 动作片
- 分类:动作片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- 当警察们面对一宗发展迅速的案件, 他们让一个年轻,独立而具备神秘力量的警察约法纳来负责此案。他与诱人的邓娜合作来搜捕残酷和致命的' 五枚子弹帮' 。他们老大是可怕的马萨, 他和约法纳一样,也是魔法高手。马萨只会被被猛虎魔剑击败, 那是一把充满自然力量, 和美善力量的上古魔法剑。在匪盗捣乱城市之前,约法纳必须找到猛虎魔剑, 把马萨绳之以法。最后他们两个决一死战,只有一个能生存下去
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- 喜剧片
- 分类:喜剧片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- Six friends go to party for a week during the Sneekweek. But they are haunted by a secret from their past.
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- 喜剧片
- 分类:喜剧片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- Mansup向大学校长提议修建一个脚踢排球场。但是学校方面一直都没有回应,这就更加激发了Mansup对脚踢排球运动的兴趣。这部电影充满了喜剧元素,同时也充满着讽刺。
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- 港台剧
- 分类:港台剧状态:更新至10集更新:2024-12-05
- 关于20年前发生的神秘事件的恐怖故事。它创造了一个关于复仇的故事,引领了当今的潮流。 Horror story about mysterious events happened 20 years before. It creates a story about vengeance that leads nowadays.
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- 港台剧
- 分类:港台剧状态:全8集更新:2024-12-05
- Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday: Extreme” will bring eight stories to the screen directed by eight directors in eight episodes of extreme terror with an incredible cast that will give you a series of unexpected fear.
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- 剧情片
- 分类:剧情片状态:HD更新:2024-12-05
- 在芭达雅这个充满活力的不夜城,阿波(Bright 饰)日复一日带着伙伴们四处讨债。虽然阿波表面上态度强硬,但讨债手法却颇为反常,不但不会对债务人诉诸暴力,反而还会拿起手边的东西,把自己敲到头破血流,让债务人亏欠地赶快还债。没有任何抱负的阿波,某天邂逅了必须努力工作来偿还父亲债务的小盈(Yaya 饰)。小盈打从一开始就瞧不起阿波,但阿波却对她一见倾心。出于对小盈的爱与同情,阿波提出一份约会契约──透过跟他约会来支付利息。小盈别无选择,只好无奈地同意这项安排。在两人波折不断的约会过程当中,他们也逐渐发现到彼此的真心。不过当讨债人爱上债务人时,会发生什么事情?而这段负债累累的爱情之路,最终将引领两人走向何方呢?
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