- 名侦探柯南
- 备注:更新至1204集
- 工藤新一是全国著名的高中生侦探,在一次追查黑衣人犯罪团伙时不幸被团伙成员发现,击晕后喂了神奇的药水,工藤新一变回了小孩!新一找到了经常帮助他的阿笠博士,博士为他度身打造不少间谍武器。为了防止犯罪团伙对他进行报复,新一决定隐姓埋名,暗中追查他们,希望能得到解药。一日,新一 的女友毛利兰来到了阿笠博士的家寻找男友的下落,被小兰撞见的新一情急之下编造了自己名叫江户川柯南,随后柯南寄居在了小兰家。小兰的..
- 独步逍遥
- 备注:全480集
- 宇宙浩瀚,产生无数的类型的生命体,这些生命体,形成万族万灵。万族万灵尽管种族不同,信仰不同,但一样的就是奢望得道。 任何一个生灵都是道心蒙尘,他们不甘如此,以修行来悟道而变得强大,甚至永生。天地大道如同气运,有能者居之。大道之路,就是争道之路,这就造成了万族万灵的相争。 一个时代,只能支撑少数一些人得道。得道者,以为站在了世间之巅,以后可以恣意逍遥。但却发现,即使得道。同样难逃厄运,在他们之上有..
- 同学来了
- 备注:更新至20241219期
- 由中天电视台节目部自制,于2020年9月17日首录,于2020年10月12日晚间9点播出。该节目专为各种同学族群量身订做,每集邀请12位来自不同学籍的同学、不同学系的学生上来讨论各种主题,主持人包括阿Ken、纳豆、安心亚。
- 你好星期六
- 备注:更新至20241222期
- 节目重点围绕艺人艺能的全面深度挖掘、流光溢彩的精品表演秀的创意呈现、最具热点的社会性话题输出等方面进行设计。何炅、冯禧担任主持人,檀健次、李雪琴、秦霄贤、王鹤棣、蔡文静、赵小棠、黄明昊等担任阶段性常驻嘉宾,每期会邀请几位飞行嘉宾参与录制,包括明星和各行各业的代表以及不同领域的艺术团体。节目内容由访谈、互动、秀等环节构成,全面展现嘉宾的专业素养,重新定义了以艺服人、以能动人的综艺准入门槛。
- 宇宙浩瀚,产生无数的类型的生命体,这些生命体,形成万族万灵。万族万灵尽管种族不同,信仰不同,但一样的就是奢望得道。 任何一个生灵都是道心蒙尘,他们不甘如此,以修行来悟道而变得强大,甚至永生。天地大道如同气运,有能者居之。大道之路,就是争道之路,这就造成了万族万灵的相争。 一个时代,只能支撑少数一些人得道。得道者,以为站在了世间之巅,以后可以恣意逍遥。但却发现,即使得道。同样难逃厄运,在他们之上有..
[综艺] 同学来了
[综艺] 你好星期六
[动漫] 名侦探柯南
[动漫] 武神主宰
[综艺] 型男大主厨
[综艺] 娱乐百分百
[综艺] 单身行不行
[综艺] 男生女生向前冲
[综艺] 第三调解室
- 分类:喜剧片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- 山姆·克拉弗林、薇洛妮卡·恩切圭([信任])加盟天空影业的浪漫爱情轻喜剧[恋爱小说](Book of Love,暂译)。该片由阿纳莱纳·卡尔·迈尔([鱼味男孩])执导,David Quantick操刀剧本。故事讲述一位年轻保守的英国作家亨利(克拉弗林饰),他原本写了一部失败的小说,却在墨西哥意外大受欢迎,亨利还被邀请去当地宣传,很快,他发现了原因,这本小说的西班牙语翻译玛丽亚(恩切圭饰)把他无趣的书,翻成了一本色情小说,出版商还要求他和玛丽亚一起进行巡回售书活动,亨利一直很愤怒,但也没逃过异性相吸,两人擦出了热烈的爱情火花。该片计划3月开拍。
- 立刻观看
- 分类:剧情片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and dissolves their longstanding differences and creates intimate bonds that threaten their very survival.
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- 分类:喜剧片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- 克拉拉和亚历杭德罗准备搬新家,可是亚历杭德罗正好去出差,留下她一个人呆着,被搬家的纸盒子包围。这种混乱不堪的环境迫使她尝试新的生活体验,她开始质疑这个世界的封闭和束缚。
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- 分类:恐怖片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zombie film in which South America had been turned into an all-purpose, all-materials junkyard, with the undead as the last humane entities around (forget about the humans here!). The project never materialised, but Diego Parés, Pablo’s brother, started to write and draw a comic series based on the screenplay – which so far remains a ruin, as only parts were finished and published. The ECish beauty and balls of Diego P.’s labour of love have now been congenially transformed by the directorial duo into a delightfully old-(1970s)school low-budget production, closer to Romero and Dante than Fulci and Lenzi. And the IFFR audience is in for the treat of treats they get to see the film and can also enjoy the unfinished comic in an exhibition.
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- 分类:纪录片状态:HD中字更新:2024-12-08
- An intimate look at the lives of modern circus performers in and out of Cirque Du Soleil. The film follows the stories of several different performers and gives viewers an unprecedented look into their lives and art. A testament to the human spirit and the power of following your dreams it is also and homage to the grace and power of artists who use their bodies as their instruments. Filmed on location in 11 countries and in three languages by a Cirque Du Soleil insider this film transcends a behind the scenes look and creates a powerful and moving work of art.
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